Together we create
vital connections

CONNECTO designs, builds and maintains electricity, telecommunications and gas networks.

About us

Experience since 2001

Connecto designs, builds and maintains electricity, telecommunications and gas networks. in the Baltics. Our key objective is to ensure uninterrupted access to electricity, communications and gas services on which citizens, communities, businesses and the state depend.

Connecto brings together more than 400 experts in their field, whose work has resulted in an annual turnover of more than €60 million. euro limit.

The satisfaction of our customers and employees is important to us, so we pay great attention to service quality, occupational and environmental safety.

High-voltage networks
Low and medium voltage networks
Telecommunications networks
Gas networks
Geodesy and engineering
High Voltage Laboratory
0 +
Staff at
0 m+
Annual turnover
0 +
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Years of experience
What we do



Kõrgepingevõrkude projekteerimine, ehitus ja hooldus

Connectol on pikaajalised kogemused 35 – 330 kV elektrivõrkude projekteerimise, ehitamise ja hooldamise alal. Ligi sada kogenud oma valdkonna spetsialisti osutavad igapäevaselt järgmiseid teenuseid: 


Madal- ja keskpingevõrgud

Madal- ja keskpingevõrkude projekteerimine, ehitus ja hooldus

Connectol on pikaajalised kogemused 0,4 – 35 kV elektrivõrkude projekteerimise, ehitamise ja hooldamise alal. Enam kui sada kogenud oma valdkonna spetsialisti osutavad igapäevaselt järgmiseid teenuseid: 


Telekommunikatsioonivõrkude projekteerimine, ehitus ja hooldus

Connectol on pikaajalised kogemused andmeside välisvõrkude projekteerimise, ehitamise ja hooldamise alal. Enam kui sada kogenud oma valdkonna spetsialisti osutavad igapäevaselt järgmiseid teenuseid: 


Teostame gaasi kõrgsurvetorustiku ja gaasijaamade projekteerimise, ehitamise, hooldus– ja remonditöid.  


Geodeesia ja projekteerimine

Connectol on pikaajalised kogemused geodeesia, elektri- ja sidevõrkude ning tänavavalgustuse projekteerimise alal. Enam kui 20 kogenud oma valdkonna spetsialisti osutavad igapäevaselt järgmiseid teenuseid: 



Kõrgepingelabor teostab elektripaigaldiste mõõtmisi, elektriseadmete ja dielektriliste kaitsevahendite katsetamisi ning II ja III liigi elektripaigaldiste auditeid. 

Labor on akrediteeritud Eesti Akrediteerimiskeskuse poolt ja vastab standardi EVS-EN ISO /IEC 17025:2017 (tunnistus nr L095)  ja EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (tunnistus nr I013) nõuetele. 



Aitame kaasa CO2 jalajälje vähendamisele Baltikumis, olles partneriks taastuvelektri tootjatele. Pakume mitmekülgseid ehitusteenuseid tuule-, päikese– ja hübriidparkide arendajatele. Ãœle neljakümne kogenud oma valdkonna spetsialisti osutavad igapäevaselt järgmiseid teenuseid: 


High voltage networks

Design, construction and maintenance of high-voltage networks

Connecto has extensive experience in the design, construction and maintenance of 35-330 kV power networks. We have close to one hundred experienced industry specialists who provide the following services on a daily basis:


Low and medium voltage networks

Design, construction and maintenance of low and medium voltage networks

Connecto has extensive experience in the design, construction and maintenance of 0.4-35 kV power networks. Our more than one hundred experienced industry specialists provide the following services on a daily basis:

Telecommunications networks

Design, construction and maintenance of telecommunication networks

Connecto has extensive experience in the design, construction and maintenance of external data communication networks. We have more than one hundred experienced industry specialists who provide the following services on a daily basis:

Gas networks

We carry out design, construction, maintenance and repair works of high-pressure gas pipelines and gas stations.

Designing and geodesy

Connecto has extensive experience in geodetics and in designing electrical and communication networks and street lighting. Our more than 20 experienced industry specialists provide the following services on a daily basis:

High Voltage Laboratory

The high-voltage laboratory carries out measurements of electrical installations, testing of electrical equipment and dielectric protection devices, and audits of Class II and III electrical installations.

The laboratory is accredited by the Estonian Accreditation Centre and complies with the standard EVS-EN ISO /IEC 17025:2017 (
certificate No L095
) and EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (
certificate No I013


Green energy

We help reduce the CO2 footprint in the Baltics by being a partner for renewable electricity producers. We offer versatile construction services for developers of wind, solar and hybrid farms. Our more than forty experienced industry specialists provide the following services on a daily basis: